
Showing posts from November, 2016

Mike Rymer Fiction Workshop

I our first workshop with Mike Rymer we went over camera movement term, practised with the dolly and the track. This was great as i had never used them before so it was great having the chance to see how you set it up and how to use them. At the end of the workshop we were told to go into groups of 4 and come up with a shot list for a montage (my group; Sammi, Rosie, Laura and me). Originally we thought we had to come up with a scene but shot in  montage style, so mainly close ups. But after showing Helen our shot list on the Tuesday workshop, we were told that no narrative was allowed. Our idea was Sammi going through her bookshelf, finding an old photo album of hers, remembering what it was like to go scuba diving and ends up booking a holiday back to Cuba.  I was very confused as to what exactly we had to (how to film a montage without a narrative). So without a shot list, my group and I had to think of randum things which make us happy. After that we decided to go ...