Now or Never (2011) - A short film about family relationships
Vivandy Productions Director: Vivandy and F.C Rabbath Written and Produced: F.C. Rabbath Synopsis: Its about 3 generations of women; the grandmother, mother and daughter. The same story is being repeated between grandmother and mother as well as mother and daughter. Each mother is trying to reconnect with her daughter; both being unsuccessful. What intrigued me: Showing the mother getting prepared (I'm planning on doing something like that for my video) portrayal of family drifting (arguing about being too busy for each other) when she opens the bathroom cupboard when she's young and closes it when she's old (i like the technique it uses to show time passing) having the same conversation with her daughter as she did with her mother the way we are shown that there is an issue (phone call from doctor) VO flashback to the same line she said her mother 'You're being selfish' = realisation ...
interesting ... try and draw on personal experience only, avoid other movies/tv shows. real life is always richer. don't aim to cover a "big" story - focus in on one element of a bigger story.