English/Cypriot Dictionary

Below are words which have been made up by Cypriots living in England. They are a mixture of english words and cyrpiots words.

Experiotita : experience
Chainezika: Chinese food
to kettlo: the kettle
hoteli: hotel 
baso: the bus 
baseri: bus driver 
boxi: box 
naughtissa: naughty 
daspieris: dustbin man 
slippoues: slippers 
sosinja: sausage 
pos toffy: post office 
postaji: post man 
ishouries: insurance 
facklikia: swear words 
chigay boila or boila: boiled chicken 
berminghamniotis: person from Birmingham 
paketaro: package something 
crafftissa: crafty 
toileta: toilet 
tostiera: toaster 
anddressa: address 
to fishadiko or chipiko: fish and chips 
salavinegar: salt and vinegar 
ta carka: curry 
chargaro: charge you 


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