Research on Pilot Episodes
Big Bang Theory

In this pilot episode, the writers have made it clear what type of personalities the characters have. Sheldon is socially awkward, Leonard wants to be 'normal', Raj cannot speak to women and Howard thinks he's a flirt. The writers have also established that they are a close group of friends by having common connection about science and also Sheldon pointing out to Penny that they come over nearly everyday and play games.
How were they introduced:
Sheldon: speaking about science before he was seen
Leonard: patiently listening to Sheldon and contempt with himself
Penny: First saw her in her short and tight top in her flat and then she started speaking to Sheldon and Leonard - she was more happy, not awkward and also not a nerd therefore did not use nerd terms
Howard: Introduced by his excitement about a new science fiction movie. When he sees Penny he tries flirting with her but is unsuccessful
Raj: Same as Howard but then when he sees Penny and doesn't say one word, the rest of the group then explain that he doesn't talk to girls.
Characters (in order of appearance): Sheldon, Leonard, Penny, Howard and Raj
Locations: Pennys apartment, Leonard and Sheldons apartment (living room, kitchen and bathroom), staircases
Time: 23 minutes
Fresh Prince of Belair
This sitcom begins with its opening credits which basically is a quick rap overview of how Will ended up living with his uncle and aunt in Bel Air. As an audience we straight away see the eccentric personality of Will through his dress sense which is colourful and eccentric like himself, also we see his love for music not only through the fact that he raps the opening credits but also when he knocks on his uncle door he does it to the tune of 'We will rock you'. Afterwards we see Jeffrey the butler who has no interest in humouring Will and his behaviour therefore takes his time answering the door. Later we are then introduced to Phil and Viv (uncle and aunt), who are dressed impeccably and formal compared to Will. We see Aunt Viv as a mother figure through her love and excitement towards Will and Uncle Phil's sternness. Next character introduced is Ashley who is wearing her private school uniform, and afterwards we are shown a bong created between her and Will when he comforts her because of some mean people at school and he teaches her how to rap. We are then introduced to Hilary who is portrayed as a spoilt girl carrying shopping bags and asking for more money from her father. The final main character we are introduced to is Carlton, who is the same age as Will, but his personality is the complete opposite from Wills; by his dress sense, the way he talks and acts.
Through this pilot we are introduced exactly to each characters personality but also the connections made between each character. At the end of the episode we see Uncle Phil act as a father figure to Will, which is something Will never had in his life, and this is how it is throughout the sitcom. We are also shown the tight relations by the family and how they welcome Will and truly want to help him.
How were they introduced:
Will: Right form the beginning we see Will as he sing the theme song. He is shown making music by banging on the door to 'we will rock you' and his active personality by his excitement and the way he hugs everyone instead of a handshake
Jeffrey: first seen taking his time opening the door to Will but he is obedient to all the other household characters
Viv: throws her arms around Will portraying her love for him and her excitement about him living there, she is seen very quickly as a mother figure as she defends Wills
Phil: stern towards Will as he only gives him a handshake and not a hug, difference between the two is seen when Phil makes faces towards Will and his high energy but also the way he is dressed and speaks
Ashley: seen as the good smart girl, through her politeness towards Will and her private school uniform
Hilary: immediately tell she is spoilt and rude by the fact that she doesn't say hi to Will and goes straight to asking for money
Carlton: awkward cousin, who tries to hard to be 'popular'. Snobbish type of person by the way he has a cardigan over his shoulder like the 'posh' boys
Characters (in order of appearance): Will, Jeffrey, Phil, Viv, Ashley, Hilary and Carlton
Locations: outside the house, hallway, living room, dining room, Will's bedroom and Ashley bedroom
Time: 22 minutes
Through this pilot we are introduced exactly to each characters personality but also the connections made between each character. At the end of the episode we see Uncle Phil act as a father figure to Will, which is something Will never had in his life, and this is how it is throughout the sitcom. We are also shown the tight relations by the family and how they welcome Will and truly want to help him.
How were they introduced:
Will: Right form the beginning we see Will as he sing the theme song. He is shown making music by banging on the door to 'we will rock you' and his active personality by his excitement and the way he hugs everyone instead of a handshake
Jeffrey: first seen taking his time opening the door to Will but he is obedient to all the other household characters
Viv: throws her arms around Will portraying her love for him and her excitement about him living there, she is seen very quickly as a mother figure as she defends Wills
Phil: stern towards Will as he only gives him a handshake and not a hug, difference between the two is seen when Phil makes faces towards Will and his high energy but also the way he is dressed and speaks
Ashley: seen as the good smart girl, through her politeness towards Will and her private school uniform
Hilary: immediately tell she is spoilt and rude by the fact that she doesn't say hi to Will and goes straight to asking for money
Carlton: awkward cousin, who tries to hard to be 'popular'. Snobbish type of person by the way he has a cardigan over his shoulder like the 'posh' boys
Characters (in order of appearance): Will, Jeffrey, Phil, Viv, Ashley, Hilary and Carlton
Locations: outside the house, hallway, living room, dining room, Will's bedroom and Ashley bedroom
Time: 22 minutes
How I met you Mother
This is a unique sitcom and we can see that from the pilot episode with Ted talking to his children about how he met their mother but carries on with voice over. Ted and Marshal are the first ones to be introduced and we see the difference in them from the start. Marshall is getting ready to propose to his girlfriend Lily and Ted is still dreaming about the day he will meet the one. The next character introduced is Barney who is portrayed as a womaniser and is asking Ted to meet him at the bar and suit up (something which he is addicted to). Next is Lily, who is seen as a carefree primary teacher and finally Robin, who is not part of the foursome group but is someone Ted sees in the bar and he falls in love with her. Through the actions that they do we can tell what their personalities are like; Barney is not a romantic, a womaniser and is always wearing a suit, Marshall is in love with Lily who is basically his life, a genuine person and a lawyer, Lily is a carefree character and not much phases her, Ted is a hopeless romantic and Robin is a confident person.
How were they introduced:
Ted: is the main character as he is the narrator of the story and isn't shown at first but heard, then he is seen walking into his apartment all happy
Marshall: he is first introduced with Ted when they walk into the apartment talking about how he will propose to Lily
Barney: is at a bar, wearing a suit begging Ted to come and join him
Lily: Walks into the apartment complaining about how a kid got paint on her shirt and making a joke that he got to third base with her
Robin: Seen with her group of friends in slow motion by Ted, and is a confident person when she flirts with Ted at the bar
Characters (in order of appearance): Ted, Marshall, Barney, Lily and Robin
Locations: Ted/Marshall and Lily's flat (living room and kitchen), the bar and Robins flat
Time: 22 minutes
What I've learnt:
- make sure I portray my characters PERSONALITIES from the start- introduce the main LOCATIONS of my sitcom
- opening credits are something funny which is relation to the sitcom or the relationship between the characters
The pilot episode will decide wether or not the sitcom will continue so take great care of it and make sure it CATCHES THE AUDIENCES ATTENTION either by the quirkiness one of your characters does or something the audience will find relatable.
At first I wasn't sure if I could have voice over in my sitcom which is something that I have been considering. Even though it hasn't been done by E4 sitcoms before, it is something that can still be done as in How I Met Your Mother.
This is some good research - but if you want to take it to the "advanced level" then you need to go further into breaking down the episodes you have looked at. Analyse them in detail about how the characters are introduced, how the setting is set. the pacing, the tone etc. Also, notes on the screenwriters.
ReplyDeleteThen in the area of "what i've learnt" - this needs to be more detailed. For example where you say you should portray the characters personalities - how can this be done?, what techniques can you use? etc etc.