General Idea of Pilot episode

My original idea for the pilot episode was to introduce my characters and what their personalities are like.

My first idea was:

It open with Chara at the airport to check in for her flight London. The hostess wishes her good luck for uni as she is handing her her tickets, then the camera zooms out to show the entire family standing behind her with their suitcases as well. It then cuts to the house in London with the family walking in through the front door. Uncle Panny is there welcoming them, along with the entire extended family in the house as well throwing a party (souvla, arguments and greek music is playing in the background). After the party finishes everybody disappears to their bedrooms to unpack and Pappou Andrea is left on the arm chair sleeping.

Giagia Maria unpacks her poker games, greek coffee, Chivas whiskey and cigarettes, along with her religious icons, Pappou Andrea unloads sweets, chocolates and his insulin shots, Stav unloads Zivania, nescafe and cigarettes. Andy unloads cigarettes, flip flops and an industrial frape mixer. Tzimi unloads different brands of cigarettes, rubiks cube and Cotch takes out his playstation and his diaries. Finally Chara is seen taking out of her suitcase cigarretets, an wedding album, bottle of vodka and a shisha.

Then Giagia Maria is blessing the house and making everyone do their cross. Tzimi (with a Jamaican accent) says "whatcha smoking giagia, get that outta my face". Giagia Maria doesn't even hesitate and slaps him across the face straight away.


- I feel that there are too many locations - but this is the type of thing I want to do. It introduces all the characters, their personalities and what their life is like (mainly loud).


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