
Showing posts from 2015

The Prep Project

Red Riding 1 1974  Characters: Character 1 - Eddie Dunford - youthful, ambitious Character 2 - Bill Hadley - grey hair and grey eyes Character 3 - Detective Superintendent Maurice Jobson Character 4 - Barry Gannon - skinny, single, obsessed Character 5 - Detective Chief Superintendent - late 50s. a big man, dangerous Characters 6 - Mr and Mrs Kemplay Cast: Character 1 - Jack O'Connell  Character 2 - Hugh Laurie Character 3 - Colin Ferrell  Character 4 -  Nicholas Hoult Character 5 - Ray Winstone Characters 6 - Lena Headey and Ben Affleck  Crew: Director of Photography -Greg St. Johns Production designer - Vincent Jefferds Editor - Nina Gilberti Locations: - In Leeds (blue skies and fluffy clouds) - construction site - M1 motorway - conference room at police station Tone and Style:

Directions Units - My Drama TV Series

Vampire Diaries Info: It has 7 seasons with 22 episodes drama series from CW, between 2009-present Quick Synopsis: A human teenage girl is torn between two vampire brothers. As a result there are many obstacles thats he has to face and discovers new information about her family ('vampire hunters') and that she is a doppelganger. Director:  Due to it being many seasons there are loads of directors, but the one director who director more episodes (15 episodes) is Chris Grismer . Trailer: (sorry not the best quality)             I chose the trailer for season 4 because the particular scene I would like to do is from that season. Clip: (not 100% but would like to do it)           Why I chose this series:  I enjoy the series as I like the constant drama and adventures thats goes on in the series. Also I love the series with Elena and her brother, where she has this constant need to protect which is one I would like to do the above scene which shows her

Project Evaluation

Areas I think I did well in: The script: i believe I achieved the aim of the project which was to be a about a meeting. I believe you can see what my characters personality is like throughout my script through all the voice over  Although my video is not as good as I would like it to be, I feel that it tells the story very well and what it will be about. I establish my two character very well (through the voice over) and the first thing they talk about (marrying their children) Areas I think I need improvement on: Camera: I still do not feel comfortable taking a camera out on my own and feeling confident enough to set it up all my self.  Sound: this part is extremely terrible in my video. I did find a way to edit the sound and remove some of the fazziness but this was only on some of the shots. I decided to leave it as it is, instead of having the sound being constantly miss match. I think I need a few more lesson on the sound,, as I was not aware in that moment that there w


Rough-Cut Corrections: Zoom out after Maroulla finishes from phone  Change the title font  add background sounds when (cars, wind, footsteps) When doing over the shoulder make sure its in sync (so one seen is Maroulla looking up but next shot shows her looking down= fix!) Get rid of fade to black  When the door closes then cut to them walking into kitchen- use the bang of the door to change When Androulla speak show Maroulla looking at her  at the end it doesnt fit (get rid of fade to black) Show Maroulla a close up of getting the cake and then show Androulla sitting at table  Reason there is a problem with the sound is that the clip mike was set to manual when it should have been on automatic. Therefore when Androulla speaks, its too loud for the clip mike to the point it cannot be recognised. A way we could try and fix this is through auditions. Rough-Cut 2 What I managed to change: The title font  video being in sync  Rid of Fade to black  close up of

Script Development

I got some amazing feedback from Steve Coombes. Im really happy that he enjoyed my script and thought it was funny. These were his points he gave me:     Over all he was pleased with the structure and absolutely loved the Voice Over technique After discussing about the script we decided that the ending was good and so was the second half of the script but he wanted more Voice Over and conflict as well as to focus more on the wedding dress. As a result I decided to: I developed my scene where the discuss the wedding and took Steves advice about having the two women already having designed the dress. I tried my best to describe what the dress would look like through the voice over which mentions the puffiness, the diamonds and all the lace  To do the above point I decided to get rid of a scene from my old script which was not necessary; in that scene the two women were talking about grandchildren and their names (but I decided to focus only on the wedding) A

Screen Writing

He discusses the root of story telling which was very interesting: Achilles (superhuman, hero) Cinderella (fairytale, dreams come true) Circe (magic e.g The Matrix Trilogy) Faust (knowledge, danger, evil, dept) Orpheus (loss) Romeo and Juliet (start-crossed lovers) Tristan (loving someone who is already taken) Certain Themes: The Desire for Justice ('cop' shows, courtroom dramas, forensics science) The Pursuit of Love (most common theme) The Morality of Individuals (choices) --> screenwriters must make their characters realistic and allow the audience to relate to the them through their actions and the way they handle choices  Desire for Order Pursuit of Pleasure (comedy) Fear  of death  Fear of Unknown (horror movies, sci-fi) Desire for validation (acceptance, recognition) SHOW DON'T TELL  Both action chart and characterization chart are extremely good way to stay organised and on top of all your characters. You have mor


Actors Original Cast Katerina Vassiliades  Marianna Vassilaides  Although they are young women, there sense of style was exactly what I was looking for. I was planning on doing there make up to age them and the hair style. But due yo work they had to cancel on me and I quickly had to find  replacement. 2nd Cast  Helen Neofytou  Despina Ramfos  These were my replacement from my original cast. Both these women are in the 70s which fit my characters much better and saved me from having to do make up and hair. On the day of filming one of my characters was sick and could hardly breathe or stand - this prevented me from being able to film from different angles or for too long  3rd Cast  Helen Neofytou  Katerina Vassiliades  This was my final cast. But due to me asking the the day before they had already made plans for their day and were only available in the morning. So being on a tight schedule I did not completely full fill on the shots I wanted from my s

Mr Selfridge

2013- ITV Creator: Andrew Davies  (He was also the writer of some of my favourite movies; Bridget Jones, Sense and Sensibility and The Three Musketeers)  Main Actors: Jeremy Piven = Harry Selfridges  Tom Goodman Hill = Mr Grovo  Amy Beth Hayes - kitty Hawkins  Ron Cook = Mr Crabb  --> It is a developed from an adaption of Lindy Woodhead's biography 'Shopping, Seduction & Mr Selfridge' One of the main reason I chose this TV drama was because of the women and the fashion. I truly enjoy the power of the women. During the 1919s-20s it was a time when women were enjoying more and more freedom. It was becoming more acceptable for a women to have a empowering job (e.g. Designer or Head of  a Department). This inspired me to create women that were powerful, hard working and not afraid to stand up for what they believe. Both my characters Androulla and Maroulla worked in a bank for most of their lives (started form the bottom


2010- BBC ONE Martin Freeman (left) and Benedict Cumberbatch (right) --> Mark Gatish (creator and Sherlock Holmes brother Mycroft Holmes)   Steven Moffat (creator) <-- Main Actors: Sherlock Holmes = Benedict Cumberbatch Dr. John Watson = Martin Freeman Mrs Hudson = Una Stubbs Mycroft Holmes = Mark Gatiss Jim Moriarty = Andrew Scott Where did it originate from 60 stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle published between 1887 and 1927  Sherlock is one of the most portrayed literary character in film and television history, from having appeared on screen 254 times as of 2012.  97 different actors have played Sherlock from theatre- to film- to tv series.  Why I chose Sherlock It has to be the smartest, most witty, intense and funny series I have ever watched Sherlock is all these different characters in one; meaning = sociopath as he enjoy murders and anticipates for his next murder investigation, extremely smart man as he h

Bill Lawrence

Full Name: William V. Lawrence D.O.B: 26th December 1968 (Ridge-field, Connecticut) Wife: Christa Miller Children: 3 Best known for: - Scrubs - Spin City - Cougar Town Awards: Primetime Emmy Awards Nominated for Outstanding Comedy Series 2006 (Scrubs) Nominated for Outstanding Comedy Series 2005 (Scrubs) Online Film & Television Association Nominated for Best Writing in Comedy Series 2002 (Scrubs) PGA Awards Nominated for Outstanding Producer of Episodic Television, Comedy 2006 (Scrubs) Nominated for Outstanding Producer of Episodic Television, Comedy 2005 (Scrubs) Nominated for Outstanding Producer of Episodic Television, Comedy 2004 (Scrubs) Writers Guild of America, USA Nominated for Episodic Comedy 2003 (Scrubs) Just like the other screenwriters I've chosen I enjoy Lawrence's TV shows because of the portrayal of his characters and the relationship between each one.  An example is Scrubs. Although these