

Martin Freeman (left) and Benedict Cumberbatch (right)

--> Mark Gatish (creator and Sherlock Holmes brother Mycroft Holmes)  

Steven Moffat (creator) <--

Main Actors:
Sherlock Holmes = Benedict Cumberbatch
Dr. John Watson = Martin Freeman
Mrs Hudson = Una Stubbs
Mycroft Holmes = Mark Gatiss
Jim Moriarty = Andrew Scott
Where did it originate from

60 stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle published between 1887 and 1927 

Sherlock is one of the most portrayed literary character in film and television history, from having appeared on screen 254 times as of 2012. 

97 different actors have played Sherlock from theatre- to film- to tv series. 

Why I chose Sherlock
  1. It has to be the smartest, most witty, intense and funny series I have ever watched
  2. Sherlock is all these different characters in one; meaning = sociopath as he enjoy murders and anticipates for his next murder investigation, extremely smart man as he has his own personal database (brain), his caring relationship with Watson 
  3. Furthermore, i enjoy the way in which the script is so well written. Meaning from the beginning we are shown Watson who is a complicated soldier and Holmes who is also messed up in the way that he holds back on nothing. Also, they way they keep their audience on the edge in the season2 finale of Sherlocks death (but then revealing he was still alive) 
How I feel inspired in my script
  1. Sherlock attitude. The way he condescend the people around him and how he believes he is more superior than anyone else. For my characters I've portrayed this through the V.O. The bickers amongst each other and their attempt to prove they are better than one another.
  2. The relationship between Sherlock-Watson and Sherlock-Mycroft. With Sherlock and Mycroft we see a distant relationship yet a close one and caring one. Mycroft is worried about Sherlock. When it comes to Sherlock and Watson they are extremely close in friendship as Watson knows when Sherlock is upset or up to something (picks up on it quicker than anyone else). With my characters I want to shop the closeness with Maroulla and Androulla as they would like to be in laws. 


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