Editing Workshop 3 + 4

For our third editing workshop we had to put together a sequence of different shots and make sure the dialogue matched the actions. Here is the outcome:

In the beginning I did find it tricky to match up the dialogue and do the editing. When it comes to the dialogue you have to be very focused on the sound and make sure that every aspect of it matches and there is nothing out of order. We used the overwrite tool, the ripple tool and the rolling tool. 

For our fourth and last editing workshop we went the tools again. This time we practised more on how to use them in different circumstances. We covered: 

- Audio treatment 
- Colour 
- Ripple Delete 
- Roll Tool 
- Trim tool
- Title Rolling

As it's my first time using final draft, I found parts of it difficult but mostly exciting. Ferg has been great help and explains any aspect of the program you want. I feel much more comfortable in using premier on my own. 


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