Arranged Marriage: Short Film

Screen Play and Directions
Nars Krishnamachari 
Produced by 
Roughcut Films
Executive Producer 
Sarita Vijayan 
Theodore Martlant 

Two people who have been arranged to get married ask each other 20 questions before they live with each for the rest of their lives. It is about arranged marriages in india.

What filming intrigues me:

  • At the beginning when they are asking each other questions, a man brings some tea. There is a close up on the tea showing two different types of tea which is parallel to the fact that there are two different types of characters (complete opposites) 

  • The woman is straight forward (un-stereotypical of women) 
  • shows the awkwardness between the two (the fact that it has been arranged and the two don't know each other) 
  • When they show the past as well as the future throughout: shows them getting to know each other and then when they are married 

The tea scene is my favourite and its inspired me to included something similar in my video. I want to show the contrast of the two women.

Although very different to my script its also similar. Similar in the way that the marriage is arranged. 


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