Project Evaluation

Areas I think I did well in:

  1. The script: i believe I achieved the aim of the project which was to be a about a meeting. I believe you can see what my characters personality is like throughout my script through all the voice over 
  2. Although my video is not as good as I would like it to be, I feel that it tells the story very well and what it will be about. I establish my two character very well (through the voice over) and the first thing they talk about (marrying their children)
Areas I think I need improvement on:
  1. Camera: I still do not feel comfortable taking a camera out on my own and feeling confident enough to set it up all my self. 
  2. Sound: this part is extremely terrible in my video. I did find a way to edit the sound and remove some of the fazziness but this was only on some of the shots. I decided to leave it as it is, instead of having the sound being constantly miss match. I think I need a few more lesson on the sound,, as I was not aware in that moment that there was something wrong; everything sounded clear on the headphones. 
  3. HAVE A CREW! On my project I went in as sound man, camera man and director. Although it is manageable I don't feel I achieved what I would have achieved if I had  a crew. On my next project I would like to have a camera man and sound man and just have the role of the director to be able to control more my surroundings. By the time I told my actresses what I wanted them to do and then focused the camera and checked the sound, they were becoming restless and it was taking to much time. 
How I have progressed since the start of the year:

I joined UCA without any prior experience with cameras or premier pro. With Ferg he taught me the basics of using a industry camera which was amazing and I truly enjoyed the workshops we did as we were left how to film the way we wanted. 

Also, I believe my skills in Premier Pro have improved immensely from the start of the year but it would be great if we could be taught more about it (such effects or go more into auditions; as it seemed majority of the class had issues with sound)

Story Telling with Simon was great: I had written what I believed was a script in the past but after the introduction to the course I realised I didn't actually write a script.  Even though I know from know I wont become a screenwriter is was still great to explore the art of screen writing and going through the process of creating characters (although it was harder than I though coming up with personality traits). 

It was very tough at the start of the year for me. I was nervous and reconsidering if i had chosen the right course. I felt very intimidated by the other students who had much more experience than me and better skills. But as time went my skills have improved as well and I'm confident to say I'm in the right course.


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