

  1. Zoom out after Maroulla finishes from phone 
  2. Change the title font 
  3. add background sounds when (cars, wind, footsteps)
  4. When doing over the shoulder make sure its in sync (so one seen is Maroulla looking up but next shot shows her looking down= fix!)
  5. Get rid of fade to black 
  6. When the door closes then cut to them walking into kitchen- use the bang of the door to change
  7. When Androulla speak show Maroulla looking at her 
  8. at the end it doesnt fit (get rid of fade to black)
  9. Show Maroulla a close up of getting the cake and then show Androulla sitting at table 
Reason there is a problem with the sound is that the clip mike was set to manual when it should have been on automatic. Therefore when Androulla speaks, its too loud for the clip mike to the point it cannot be recognised. A way we could try and fix this is through auditions.

Rough-Cut 2
What I managed to change:

  1. The title font 
  2. video being in sync 
  3. Rid of Fade to black 
  4. close up of cake being cut
  5. background noise
Unable to do:
  1. Get a wide shot of Maroulla when she closes the phone (didnt have a clip)
  2. show Maroulla looking at Androulla when she is making the coffee (in all the clips I took Maroulla was speaking; even if I muted her voice you can still see her lips move therefore it did not look right)

Feedback from Simon
  1. Get rid of the freeze frame of the title and put it in the beginning when Maroulla hangs up the phone 
  2. Add throughout all the street scenes urban street sounds
  3. Fix the black shot when talking in the garden 
  4. Add music throughout = more realistic 
  5. fix the sound and talking so it runs smoothly = try to fade in and out 

Final Cut

After Simons feedback I managed to do exactly what he asked for. 


What I'm happy about with my video:

  1. That I managed to portray a story which is what the aim of this unit was 
  2. That I found actresses who knew what I wanted and expected through the accent of a cypriot woman 
What I'm disappointed about:
  1. Im disappointed my my video a bit as I believe I could have done better, 
  2. I don't think I had enough close ups (I should of had one of the cake and a close up of the coffee, instead of  having to crop) 
  3. I should have shown at the beginning what type of woman Maroulla was through her house 
  4. I wish I had taken more various shots.

What is different from my script and my video:
  1. Scene 2 and 3 is not in the video : this is where Maroulla is getting ready at her house
  2. Part of scene 7: where they walk through the house (we dont see the traditional house or the pictures of her children


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