Mr Selfridge


Andrew Davies 
(He was also the writer of some of my favourite movies; Bridget Jones, Sense and Sensibility and The Three Musketeers) 

Main Actors:
Jeremy Piven = Harry Selfridges 
Tom Goodman Hill = Mr Grovo 
Amy Beth Hayes - kitty Hawkins 
Ron Cook = Mr Crabb 

--> It is a developed from an adaption of Lindy Woodhead's biography 'Shopping, Seduction & Mr Selfridge'

One of the main reason I chose this TV drama was because of the women and the fashion.
  • I truly enjoy the power of the women. During the 1919s-20s it was a time when women were enjoying more and more freedom. It was becoming more acceptable for a women to have a empowering job (e.g. Designer or Head of  a Department). This inspired me to create women that were powerful, hard working and not afraid to stand up for what they believe. Both my characters Androulla and Maroulla worked in a bank for most of their lives (started form the bottom and worked their way up).  That way they were able to afford luxury!

  • What I wanted to portray through my characters was sophistication. I'm inspired by the classiness of the 1920s and how elegant women were. Therefore I wanted my characters slightly old fashioned by having their hair pinned up or short (60s style).  Not only did the fashion of Mr Selfridges inspire me but my grandmother herself. From a young age she worked in a bank and was very hard working. Also, her style is very sophisticated. 

-->  French Roll

1950s <--

--> 1960s


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