New Research - News Channels
This blog is here to help us with the look of our video/website. We wanted to see common themes that occur with channels similar to ours so we can have a clearer idea of how to design our channel. Since our news channel is not about politics or economic but is more of a gossip/media/fashion/makeup channel I decided to research channels with similar topics but also less formal channels such as clevver news and e!news. My main goal in this post is to see how they present the news, opening titles and common themes.
Clevver News
For clevver news I looked at what type of videos they posted.
Some of their shows are done by two people which is what my group is panning on doing. The way in which they are able to pull it off is by not only having a conversation between them but also involving the audience. Meaning, they are mainly talking and directing their questions to the audience which is something my group should take into consideration if we want to be able to pull it off.
Furthermore, when looking at their shows they do similar things to what our shot lists includes. Meaning the presenters are talking to the audience and then there are shots of the events or pictures of the celebrities they are discussing. They do this, because it makes the show less boring by giving visuals to the audience and a better understanding of their discussion.
Similarly, E!News follows the same type of semiotics. Meaning, some of their shows they have two presenters where they have a formal yet conversational talk towards the audience but also amongst themselves (two of their most famous presenters are Ryan Seacrest and Giuliana Rancic). For our show we are thinking of having Cheyenne Joseph and Rosie Penn as our presenters.

Below is the opening title to E!News:
I enjoyed this opening title as it was nothing fancy nor complicated. It's mainly used graphics and followed the colour of a green/blue. I also liked how the type of topics they discuss where highlighted in neon colours, such as; movies, games, gossip.
It also has a very electronic feel to it, like a make believe unrealistic life. It makes the audience feel as if they are in a computer game. Through this you can understand that this channels is about media/the internet.
Similarly, for our opening, we mainly want it to be graphics. In it we will include our presenters, highlights of fashion and make-up.
BBC and Foreign News; Cyprus RIK :


BBC - its main colour is red = strength, warmth, aggression, visual impact. This relates well to the BBC because the BBC covers world news from war, politics, economics to charity events. As you can see in the images above the intro for BBC has developed from ''BBC News' going in a circle around an antenna, to a blue world and then to a red world. Right from the beginning it was making the shape of the world, meaning it brings world news to the public.
RIK - The main colours for RIK is blue = intelligence, communication, trust. These colours represent everything you would want the news to be. Knowing both the old version and new version for the introduction of the news they have changed. The old version showed just the cities of Cyprus, making the news focus on Cyprus only. The new version though shows a blue world, this makes the news more world wide based/broader.
Looking at both the introductions to the news channels my group and I prefer to have our introduction graphics based relevant to our topic. So it would include lipsticks, make up drags and our presenters as well.
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