OFCOM Broadcasting Code 2015
I researched into OFCOM to get a better understanding of the rules and regulations for our TV show. Below are some points that I feel stand out for me:
The below points are about under 18s: to protect anything that might effect their physical, mental or moral development.
Watershed --> 21:00, material which is not meant for children (under 15s). Should not be shown before 9pm = but stronger material should generally appear later on in the schedule, during watershed.
- sexual offences should not be shown before watershed e.g. incest
- drugs, smoking, alcohol --> not be featured in movies directed to children unless its for a justified reason
- violence and dangerous behaviour = appropriate for limited programmes and if harmful should not be shown (before watershed)
- offensive language - not allowed to be broadcast before watershed
- sexual material (must be rated R18). Adult material only allowed to be shown between 22:00-05:00 and nudity must be justified
- competitions and voting must be conducted fairly, viewers and listeners cannot be misled and prices must be described accurately.
- product placement is prohibited except in films, tv series, sports programme and light entertainment

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