I was looking forward to this unit a lot, as I felt more comfortable this year to experiment more with my video. I took inspiration from Edgar Wright, who is an amazing director when it comes to monatge. I felt like being experimental with this unit and trying something I hadn't done before, which is montage. I felt that by doing so, it would be more interesting, and entertaining. I looked at some of his movies and saw some techniques which he used and tried my best to be nearly as successful as him. I chose the poem 59 by Harry Baker, because I really enjoyed it when he was performing at Ted X talk. I felt that with this poem, although it is an obvious love story, that something unique and different could be done with it, especially as it is a love poem about prime numbers. I started writing down ideas on the what the poem could be, I started off thinking on what came to my head when I think of numbers and that was a fast food joint, or a Chinese/Indian restaurant where their f...