Rough Cut
- make it longer for when he wakes up
- get rid of him yawning and sitting on the bed
- make the shots tighter - especially when sitting putting on his clothes
- put more shots of him getting ready = jump cuts = your style of directing
- when he is looking in the mirror, cut to him doing an action = touching his hair
- montage = show all the shots of him sitting down, then him getting the burger and then eating = make them tighter and faster
- change the colour of each day to show time passing
- get rid of him ordering the burger
- mix up the love sequence = too much of him nodding
Fine Cut
- fix the voice - when Jason speak he is too low and then when Christiana speaks she is too loud
- maybe at someone saying the number of the burgers - NO.61, NO.60
- try and hold the end a bit longer or add something else - its too abrupt
- I didn't add someone shouting in the background the number of burgers because I felt that it didn't go or suit the short film.
One thing that Helen pointed out was the fact that I had crossed the line - it was something that I had on my mind all the time but it happened without realising - next time I will have to be much more careful
One thing that Helen pointed out was the fact that I had crossed the line - it was something that I had on my mind all the time but it happened without realising - next time I will have to be much more careful
Colour correction:
When it came to fixing the colour on the video, it wasn't because the colour looked bad (it was actually very nice and clear) but it needed correction to show that each time 59 sat down it was a different day = time passing.In premier I attempted the best I could to change the colour, but didn't want to make it look too orange. I found an in between and made sure that each day/routine (sit down, get burger, look around) had the same colour, so they could match.

Not much could be done to show time passing with the change of colour because then it looked too unrealistic and fake with having an effect simply just added onto it.
There weren't many issues with sound just 59 and 61 at times sounding a bit too lour or low; I fixed this issue in audition also getting rid of white noise which made it sound more natural and for my characters to sound less distant.
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