TV Drama - True Blood
Yes another vampire series. And I've read all the books for this series.
2008 - 2014
8.0 IMDB
Creator: Alan Ball
Difference with the others:
This vampire series is directed to a higher age group with the graphic images that it has.
Current main characters:
Anna Paquin as Sookie Stackhouse
Stephen Moyer as Bill Compton
Alexander Skarsgard as Eric Northman
Sam Trammell as Sam Merlotte
Ryan Kwanten as Jason Stackhouse
Rutina Wesley as Tara Thronton
Deborah Ann Woll as Jessica Hamby
Kristin Bauer van Straten as Pam De Beaufort
Joe Manganiello as Alcide Herveaux
Synopsis of series:
The series is based around Sookie Stackhouse, half fairy half human, who can read peoples mind except vampires (which is why she is so drawn to them). But her life is turned upside down after falling in love with two vampires.
What inspired me to chose this series:
The fact that it is not only a dark movie or bright movie but both. It has humour in it, love, drama thriller and horror. With all the various amount of different lighting it doesn't become boring for the audience; in Sookies house its always bright but when ever she is at a vampires house or environment it is sometimes light but dark also (but unlike Teen Wolf and Vampire Diaries when its dark, True Blood never only has their face with light; the whole surrounding is darkened but much of them is still visible). This factor has also made me consider my lighting even further; just because it is a vampire based series it doesn't mean it has to be a all dark environment. But, as my scene is very dramatic (Jeremy is found dead) I'm not going to have extremely bright colours (but it is something that has made me reconsider my lighting and as too how dark I want to go):

Another factor: the diverse amount of character (unlike Vampire Diaries where they all internalised and self indulging characters wrapped up in their own world). True Blood explores all of its characters lives (but mainly focuses on Sookie).
A shot that I really liked while watching True Blood is the image below:
This is a very similar shot to what Simon was saying in the Hitchcock movie (where he made the shower look massive). When Sookie opens her fridge, the shot is then from inside the fridge which makes it look bog (but naturally it is a rather small fridge). I think it is also rather symbolic as to how the only thing in her fridge is blood (when she isn't even a vampire). This has given me an idea that I should have symbolic stuff lying around. Which I will; in one of my scenes Elena smashes a photo frame of her and her brother.
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