Vampire Diaries
7 Seasons
2009 - Present
Based on the books by L.J Smith
Alloy Entertainment and Bonanza Productions Inc with Warner Bros Television
CBS Television studios
7.0 on IMDB
Season 1 :
Elena (main character) and her brother (Jeremy) are shown trying to adjust to their new life with their Aunt Jenna after their parents death. In the new school year, Elena falls in love with the new boy (= vampire Stefan). But both vampire brothers; Stefan and Damon fall in love with Elena.
Season 2 :
Both brothers are still batteling for Elenas love whilst at the same time trying to control Mystic Falls fate (town the series is set in). We are introduced to Elenas biological father (therefore Elena was adopted) who creates all the chaos for Mystic Falls and angers Katherine (Elena is her double ganger). Other supernaturals are introduced such as witches, werewolves and original vampire (please look further down).
Season 3 :
In the series we learn more about the originals. Damon and Elenas' bond grows between them as they are searching and trying to rescue Stefan. On the side line, other love relationships are growing.
Season 4 :
Elena is now a vampire and is finding it difficult at adjusting. Also, Alaric (one of the originals) informed Mystic Falls and church leaders about the existence and now how to face their enemies.
Season 5 :
Elena and Damon are now together. Caroline, Bonnie and Elena are heading to college now but Elena is unaware Bonnie sacrificed her life to bring back Jeremy from the dead. They then try to bring Bonnie back as the anchor for life and death whilst Stefan and Caroline fight off a witch tribe. An old friend of Damon; Enzo, returns searching for revenge and Damon makes the choice of choosing to bring back all supernaturals having catastrophic results. This resulted in Damon and Bonnie sacrificing themselves to bring back their friends.
Season 6 :
This season shows how each character handles their losses.
Has the series stayed the same since the first episode?
Vampire Diaries didn't start off so well. The reason is because they made it too childlike by following the Twilight theme.
Episode one included (which the producers saw wasn't good and got rid of it):
- scare crow whenever Damon Salvatore showed up
- Mist when ever in a grave yard and Damon Salvatore showed
- Also voice over from diaries.

Any other shows related to this:
The Originals
8.4 on IMDB

Directors from the first episode to now:
Season 1 Episode 1:
Marcos Siega
- The Following (2013-2015 7.5 IMDB)
- Charlies Angels (2011 4.4 IMDB)
-Dexter (2006 - 2013 8.8 IMDB)
- True Blood (2008 - 2014 8.0 IMDB)
Season 7 Episode 2:
Chris Grismer
- The Originals
- Pretty Littile Liars (2010 - 7.8 IMDB)
- Switched at Birth (201 - 7.8 IMDB)
My scene which I will be doing:
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